Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ive had my doubts...

The gut instint. Some people swear by what they feel in their gut and make decisions based on it. Others use reasoning and logic. But what do you do when there is no logical explanation or solid evidence to support a rational decision. Then what do we do?

When logic fails we rationalize our decisions in some way. Mrs. Olinski was always asked "How did you choose your academic bowl team?" She made up answers, gave answers that she thought sounded like an appropriate response but never once was she able to give the right answer which was "I don't know". We don't always have the answers to questions and thats okay. What's more important is how you are going to figure out the answer.

It all goes back to the chicken and the egg argument. How do we know how something happens if there is no way to explain it?

Think about a time when you weren't sure how you made a decision. Write a response to this blog that answers the following questions.

What was your thought process in coming up with an answer?

How did you finally make your decision?

What were the consquences of your decision?

Do you think that any outside factors played a role in your decision?

and if your looking for a little moral dilemma fun....

1 comment:

  1. I always try to take what I hear from others and do my own research on something before I make a decision about my own opinion. You can't always believe what you hear or see. It is a challenge, however, especially as children to form our own opinions as we often are so easily influenced by others.
