Sunday, November 29, 2009

Out of the ordinary, sticks with the Soul

The last time you were invited to a party what format was the invitation? Was it word of mouth, a hand written card, or an email? Invitations can come in many formats and can take on many shapes. The most exciting part though, is the fact that you were just invited to attend an event. Now think about what happened when you arrived at the party. Was it what you were expecting? If it wasn't, did you enjoy it anyways?

Julian invited Noah, Nadia, and Ethan to Saturday afternoon tea at The Sillington House. In the United States its not customary for children of about 12 to partake in tea especially on a Saturday. What was special about the invitation was that Julian was sneaky about how he invited them all.

He sent post-its with the location of the house written in coordinates so that the others had to look it up on a map. To tell them about the event he had them find a passage from Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This story follows the adventures of Alice in her journey through Wonderland. You may be familiar with the Disney movie in which Alice has tea with the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit. Julian was trying to send the message that he wanted to have his friends over for tea.

If you are interested in following Alice's adventure in whole, here is a link to read the book FREE online.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

However, at least take a look at the Tea Party Chapter.

Watch the Disney Version of the Tea Party. How do the two accounts differ? Why do you think they differ?

So what? Its all about how you view something. What you may see one way, someone else sees completely different. So next time you have a viewpoint on something, try to think about it in another way. You might just have a glimpse on how your peers see it.

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